Our Mission
The Maasai Joy Children’s Centre seeks to break the poverty cycle of the Maasai community in Ekenywa Village of Arusha, Tanzania, by providing young children with a primary education that will equip them to continue on to secondary school, to develop the skills and knowledge to seek and procure good jobs, and to improve their lives as well as those of their families and the community.
The history of Maasai Joy Children’s Centre is an amazing, inspirational story about how one dedicated individual- with the help of many people such as yourself- can begin to make a difference for an entire village.
Maasai Joy Children’s Centre (MJCC) is pleased to be working with New Horizons Foundation. New Horizons Foundation is a nonprofit tax-exempt public charity organized and operating under the laws of Colorado for the purpose of helping individuals accomplish their charitable objectives in religious, educational, scientific, benevolent and health related activities. The Foundation is not directly controlled or affiliated with any specific organization.
Please consider making a tax deductible donation today!